Thursday, September 7, 2017

Welcome to Kindergarten!

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Hello Kindergarten families and friends!

I am SO excited to start this year together. We've already been in school for 5 days (we count how many school days we've had EVERY day during our calendar!), and I can tell this year is going to be wonderful!

I hope that your family will be part of our blog posts for the 2017-2018 school year. It's a great way to take a glimpse into your student's day and classroom. It also is a great conversation starter with your little one if they don't remember (haha!) what they did in school. I will try to post 2 to 3 times each month with math, science, reading, writing, and art activities.

If you have any questions about the blog, please comment or send me an email any time!

I can't wait to see you all next week at South School's Curriculum Night!

<3 Mrs. I