Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I Know an Old Lady...

Before Thanksgiving break, the class began to practice retelling stories in a group and to a partner. I always kick-off this learning by having the students retell a familiar story we've read a few times and one that has repetitive language.

There's no better story to start them with than...I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Pie! 

This story is funny, catchy, and a perfect finish to our Thanksgiving learning during November. 

Once we've read the story a few times, the students color and cut out their own Old Lady, we add a clear plastic baggie to her stomach, and then we add her meal in one food at a time! The students have SO much fun retelling the story to each other and making sure they get the sequencing correct.



Make sure to have your student retell you the story I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Pie, it's a ton of fun!

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